Author: keena

Hello everyone.

My name is Keena. I'm a third-year health information science student. I am doing an eight-month internship at Maximus right now. My working hours are fixed so I choose this online course since it is relatively flexible. This is my first time to study an online course. I hope we can all get a good learning experience here.

Nice to meet all of you smile

What have you learned (from the course materials themselves, or from people within the course) and how you might apply some of the ideas presented here in your practice?

I have learned a lot knowledge from EDCI338 regarding Social Media and Personalized Learning. First, I learned how to use social media to share my thought and establish my personal network in Health Information Science field. The social media I learned how to use including YouTube, Blog, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Every social media has their unique way for professionals in Health Information Science field to share and collect information they want to acquire.  In addition, I learned how social media improve education.  The use of social media in education provides students with the ability to get more useful information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities to improve learning method. For Health information science students, it is very important to know the latest health technology trends, and the Internet can help us do this. I will use social medias to learn the up to date news regarding Health Information Technologies and create my own personal network for my future career development.



When we look at your social media accounts, what do we learn about you? What do your posts say about you as a professional?

When people look at my professional social media accounts, including Blog, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, the first thing they noticed must be my social account theme, which is Health Information Science. My professional social media accounts post the updated information related to Health Informatics, and anything I found is useful for HINF professionals. They may also be noticed that I am a HINF student who is about to graduate since I introduce myself on social media account. The introduction includes my background information, which helps the readers know more about me. The last thing people may learn about me is that I am willing to interact with the audience by replying to comments.

How health information science professionals use Youtube?

I noticed that many health information science professionals created their accounts and regularly updated the professional video, such as conferences and presentations. Also, another type of Youtube professional account is to teach patients how to manage their diagnoses. Many people with chronic health conditions that require long-term care search Youtube to seek more information or guidance. However, I noticed that some video contains too many medical terminologies. Viewers who watched YouTube videos with a large number of medical terms may struggle to maintain attention. The video created may need to consider how to accommodate patients’ varying levels of understanding of medical information and engagement. Besides, some video presenters talk too fast; viewers may need to slow down the play speed to understand the information. I also suggest that some videos can add more images or more interesting features to attract viewers.

Cyberbullying Lesson Plan

Adam R. and I created a Cyberbullying Lesson Plan for Grade 4 students.


Here is the link:


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Infused Reading Response

The reading “Disrupting What is Meant to be Literate” mainly talks about educator can use social media as a powerful tool to connect with students and how to guide learners to use social media to improve themselves, such as searching information online.

I highly agree that the internet and social media can be powerful tools to develop a more innovate and disruptive classroom. As a Health Information(HI) Science student, it is important to constantly learn more about health information related knowledge not only through lectures, coursework and textbooks but also on the internet. Courses in university teach me a lot of fundamental theories and concept, but the internet has much more information regarding the newest developments or the most recent trends of HI technology. I can advance my knowledge by searching on the internet on my own time. Also, another way to self-learning is to follow the leaders, high-profile companies and other key influencers on social media channels to learn more about the latest and greatest in HI strategies.

Share powerful blogs in Health Information Science field

I want to share three powerful blogs in the Health Information science field.

  1. Health IT Plus:

The first blog I would like to share is Health IT Plus. Health IT Plus features the latest and most relevant news on technology solutions regarding Health Informatics, ranging from EHRs and telemedicine to Meaningful Use and ICD-10. As a student majoring in Health Information Science, I found that keeping up with health information technology news is critical. Health IT Plus definitely will help us in that field.

2. mHealthWatch:

The second blog I recommend for people working in Health Informatics is mHealthWatch. In recent years, mobile health has become a hot topic in the field of health information. Various mobile health application has been known and used by the public, such as GoodleFit and Fitbit. Subscribing mHealthWatch will help you keep up-to-date on the most recent news on the mobile tech presence in the healthcare field, ranging from which companies investing in new technology to the latest medical applications for wearable devices.

3. HIT Consultant:

The third blog I would like to share is HIT Consultant. HIT Consultant provides readers with valuable content and interviews from entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and other key players in the healthcare business. As a Health Information Science student like me, you may think it is too early to learn content about the health industry’s business side since we have no work experience yet. Still, I believe business operations is crucial for our future career development.

I hope you find the three blogs above are helpful!

What makes a Good Blog?

I think a good blog should give readers great content regularly. The following are the factors I believe are important for making a good blog:


  1. Consistency: The owner of the blog should update the content regularly, at least once a week. 
  2. Professional: A good blog should always guarantee that all the content and resources it shares are true and valid
  3. Helpful: The most important factor that a good blog should have is helping the reader. The only reason the reader subscript a blog is that they seek useful resources regarding a specific topic. Therefore, a good blog must ensure that the content is helpful.
  4. Networking: Sometimes, blogs with the same topic would come together and share links, resources, or even readers between themselves. Thus, I think a good blog should use networking to spread its presence and increase its popularity.

Image about PLNs

I created the following diagram regarding my Personal Learning Network (PLN). The PLN consists of relationships between individuals where the goal is the enhancement of learning. I develop my learning network includes Google, Twitter, Friends & Classmates, Courses, Work & Events, Linkedin and WordPress Blog. I learned from the social media platform above by subscript the professionals in my field and searched the HashTag regarding the topic I am hoping to learn. I also learn a lot from my friends & classmates who are also majoring in Health Information Science field and the classes, Coop experience and events hold by Human and Social Development Faculty.